Meet Sari

“I suppose I am most focused on helping people to get what they want. From life. And to get past that thing most likely to get in their way. Themselves. And it's all based on encounters and really listening to each other.

The world of MindUnwired and Piilo is a friendly one. Supportive. Enlightening. And pressureless. 

That said – we are entirely focused on the change we want to make. 

The smartphone can’t become our primary window on the world. We need to go out there, into real world, see and smell and listen and be curious. Find balance with the digital world. Prohibitions and regulations will not do that, we must take the action ourselves and change our own behavior.

For those that come on this journey with us, the talking is over. Real change is happening. So that this time. Eventually. At last. Screentime plummets.”

Sari Niemi, Founder. MindUnwired & Piilo

"Designing a Piilo box, with Sari, has been challenging. 

The design is purposely conspicuous. And beautiful. Piilo has to balance both. Because Piilo is an iconic, permanent reminder to its owner – to reduce screentime and spend more time in the real world. It has to be visible.

And the demand for a beautiful and classically simple design is because Piilo is for everybody, over time. It needs universal appeal and to look good in any interior. Homes. Holiday cottages. Workspaces. A demanding brief.

Piilo is very small batch production, in Finland. Every Piilo is Limited Edition. Tough and tactile, because Sari expects people to use Piilo daily, we're really pleased with where we've ended up. Classically simple, beautiful and Limited Edition. Piilo now sits at the heart of the MindUnwired Community. We’re proud of what we’ve created – and the change it’s making to people’s lives.”

Collaborative Designer/Maker. Piilo

MindUnwired Support Team.

Vera Jagielski

Coming soon.

Mychael Owen

"Mychael supports Sari, across all areas of brand building and marketing, to grow the MindUnwired Community. That way, Sari can help many more people, much more quickly, to get one month of their life back. Every year. Forever."


Coming soon.


Coming soon.